Jennie Lakes & Monarch Wilderness -
Sequoia National Forest
Helpful Information
As you prepare to visit Sequoia National Forest (SQF), please check in with the Hume Lake Ranger District (HLRD) office for updates on fire restrictions, fire permits, trail conditions and other important news well before you head out to the trail. The wilderness ranger is sometimes available to answer your questions directly.
For recent trail reports and other helpful information, please check out the regularly updated official Forest Service blogs for the two wilderness areas, as well as SQF's facebook or twitter page. The official HLRD Forest Service site is linked here as well.
Jennie Lakes Wilderness blog
Monarch Wilderness blog
Sequoia National Forest Facebook page
Sequoia National Forest Twitter page
Hume Lake Ranger District official website
For all things wilderness, check out the numerous resources at:
Hume Lake Ranger District (HLRD)
35860 E. Kings Canyon Rd.
Dunlap, CA 93621
(559) 338-2251
To view a map of the entire HLRD: click here